independent school for the city

Closer - The City of Proximity

An afternoon about proximity and the urbanisation of station areas, organised in collaboration with De Zwarte Hond, bringing together examples from Paris and the Netherlands. Thursday 17 October, 16:30 – 18:30 (Doors open at 16:00). Tickets available for 5 euro here

Image by De Zwarte Hond

The urbanisation of station areas and public transportation hubs is a major focus in urban planning today, driven by the goals of proximity and sustainable mobility. These areas, often located in already developed districts, are ideal for mixed-use development and frequently require improvements to their environmental quality.

Research shows that as cities become denser, with more housing, jobs, and amenities, people's mobility patterns shift. Walking and cycling become more common, and car use declines. This reduction in car dependency frees up space currently occupied by moving and parked cars. This newfound space can be repurposed for more "green" and "blue" areas, which can help cities and towns better handle extreme weather events like droughts, heatwaves, and heavy rainfall, while also boosting biodiversity. Additionally, people tend to appreciate living environments that feature more greenery and less asphalt and metal, which encourage physical activities like walking and cycling. Such environments are not only beneficial for physical health but also for mental well-being.

Densification also brings new investments into existing neighborhoods. This co-investment can support the transitions these areas are already undergoing, such as funding the construction of heat networks, creating climate-adaptive green spaces, improving the housing market, and diversifying mobility options.

Recently, the architecture and urban design firm De Zwarte Hond published a bookazine titled "The Future is Near – Why Station Areas Are the Ideal Locations for Urbanisation." The publication delves into why and how proximity can be achieved in station quarters. Building on the insights from this bookazine, this event will further explore the potential for densifying station areas, drawing on examples from the Netherlands and Paris, where the concepts of the 15-minute city and transport-oriented development are key principles guiding the urbanisation of the Greater Paris region.


16:00 Doors open

16:30 – 16:40 Welcome by Mike Emmerik, Independent School for the City 

16:40 – 17:00 Presentation by Daan Zandbelt, De Zwarte Hond “The Future is Near - Why station areas are the ideal sites for urbanisation”

17:00 – 17:30    Presentation on urbanisation in the Greater Paris Region by Patricia Pelloux, APUR

17:30 – 17:50    Presentation of a Dutch case (to be confirmed)

17:50 – 18:15    Conversation with the speakers and the audience.

18:15 Closing and Drinks
