independent school for the city

Schools of Tomorrow

Duo lecture by Slava Balbek (online) and David Gianotten & Michael den Otter of OMA, organised in collaboration with the Ukraine-the Netherlands Urban Network. Wednesday 6 December 2023, 18:30 – 20:15 (Doors open at 18:00). Register for the offline event or join the live stream

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The event is free of charge. Please register for the offline event or join the live stream

Schools of Tomorrow

Rebuilding cities is not just about housing, but also about the reconstruction of amenities and public institutions. Schools are a top priority, especially in uncertain times. Getting children back to school as quickly as possible, is crucial for their development and bringing back a sense of normalcy. That's why the UNUN Network and the Independent School for the City have invited architects David Gianotten and Michael den Otter from OMA, as well as Slava Balbek from Balbek Bureau, to discuss their innovative designs for educational buildings. The focus will be on OMA's modular schools for the Dutch city of Amsterdam and Bakbek Bureau's collaboration with the Team4UA foundation on a 3D printed elementary school for the Ukrainian city of Lviv.


18:00 – 18:30 Doors Open

18:30 – 18:40 Welcome by Mike Emmerik (Independent School for the City)

18:40 – 18:45 Short intro to the issue of destructions of education buildings by Pavlo Gorokhovskyi (CRa / UNUN)

18:45 – 19:20 Talk by David Gianotten and Michael den Otter (OMA) 

19:20 – 19:55 Online talk by Slava Balbek (Balbek Bureau)

19:55 – 20:15 Conversation with Pavlo Gorokhovskyi, Slava Balbek, David Gianotten and the audience. 

20:15 Drinks at the bar 
