independent school for the city

School's Out! #43 with Wouter Vanstiphout on Carel Weeber

School’s Out! #41 with Wouter Vanstiphout about book on the life and work of architect Carel Weeber. A lecture, drinks, bites and a short movie. Friday 28 June 2024, 19:00 - 22:00 (Doors open at 18:00). Tickets available for 5 Euro.

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Autonoom: 100% Carel Weeber

School’s Out! #41 will be the book presentation of Wouter Vanstiphout's latest book "Autonoom: 100% Carel Weeber" on the life and work of architect Carel Weeber

Autonoom: 100% Carel Weeber, is a detailed architect’s biography and a richly illustrated architectural monograph, bringing together life and work of Weeber. According to Vanstiphout, the common thread in this story is “that from the beginning of his professional career, Carel Weeber consciously adopted the attitude of an outsider and paradoxically, through the almost theatrical elaboration of this attitude, has had a great influence on Dutch architecture and its institutions.” The biography will be published in Dutch in the Fall of 2024.


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